Friday, March 19, 2004

My Cup Runneth Over

T.S. Eliot once said "You are the music while the music lasts". I just read Three Junes by Julia Glass and it was stunning, and envy producing, and just plain good. My favorite books, (as if I've never said this before) are the ones that make me live with them and when it's done I continue the saga in my mind. If you ever get the chance you should read it. I'll wait til the end of the year review to "review" it. I'm beginning a new book, mentioned a few handful of posts ago. Eragon by Christopher Paolini, who was only 19 when he wrote it. I've heard and read that it is a good book. Another Lord of the Rings type. Rich and I are still reading book 4 (Taran the Wanderer) of the Prydain Chronicles. It started out slow but I think it's finally picking up. I miss Eilonwy and the antics of having a "fellowship", even Fflewddur Fflamm wants out of it...haha. A clarification, under my "Aural Pleasure" i posted Louis and the Good Book but I only have one song that I like (the rest I didn't even get a chance to listen to) which was "Go Down, Moses" which I love listening to. It's good, makes you wanna go dancing...or at the very least shake your head and snap your fingers. It's almost indecent because it's a spiritual song, but I don't think God minds that much. That's it for now. It's cold, cold, cold. Gotta run. Have a good day y'all!


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