Thursday, March 11, 2004

Lights, Camera, Action

Rich told me that movie theaters make money solely on the popcorn and other foods that costumers purchase, and zilch on the ticket price itself. About two or three years ago, right at the time before Abelle's first pregnancy but when she met David, I went out with her and her friends to see "Jeepers Creepers" at a midnight showing, and almost passed out from the movie entrance prices, and not at the movie. I've forgotten how much it was but it wasn't something I was used to because Rich and I prefer the matinee, and at that time were paying something like $5.25 per person (they have been forced to raise their prices for matinee shows to $6.50, which is scandalous). Why matinees? Because the price is right and no one goes to them, so most of the time we get the theater to ourselves, or sharing it with some people who know how to be quiet. Once we went and it was filled and we were shocked, and almost turned around, but went with it anyway...all I can say is oops. There were cellphone calls, not just the ringing but answering too! And for some reason this guy had to read out loud to the screen, and then whisper to his wife what it said. It was crazy. We laughed when we finally left. I remember the movie now! I think it was "Kill Bill", because the woman was like "oh no she's gonna kill you!" and her husband later on said, "ooh, she just slashed her in half." And there are parts when Lucy Liu is speaking in Japanese, so hence the subtitles. I hate when people bring their kids and they're crying and whining and the run up and down the aisle. Wait til it comes on DVD if you're gonna disrupt everyone elses movie experience! Rich and I have been leaning toward DVDs nowadays, but that's because there haven't been any good movies. By the way, I just checked a Salt Lake City movie theater and their matinee price is only $4.00 and after that is $6.00, nice!

The mirror picture, on my last post, is from "The Ring". And my favorite genre would be horror. Not comedy, as I almost rank that third. (Unless it's a romantic comedy..haha). Horror, even if it's cheesy, I'll be there to watch it. Give me a pukka* horror movie any day. "The Ring" was so good I own the DVD. The one I missed is "Gothika" but I'll see it when it's out. You see the problem is I would never go see the Freddy or Jason movies because they're no longer scary. I've seen the first of each and those were good, Jason's being the better, even though it wasn't Jason...I like the thrill of it. It's the rush, like riding a rollercoaster. I even rewatched "The Omen" just a few weeks ago, and even though I've seen "The Ring" several times I went and rented "Ringu". I just recently saw "Jeepers Creepers 2" and had bad dreams over it. haha

Speaking of which I slept quite well last night. Hope you did too.

*Pukka means: genuine, authentic; also : first-class (it's pronounced like suckah).


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