Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Evil Eye

Hey there's proof that the new twenties will explode if placed in the microwave. It seems that the most burning comes from Jackson's right eye! This is not a joke! For more information please read the article found in this link.


About the poll...I thought perhaps that maybe if you didn't have a mom, then you'd pick dad, because I would always pick mom as the parent I favored. Why mom? Probably because I spent more time with her and because she's, in general, much more open and mom-esque. Dad was aloof for most of our (my) growing up, or rather, just not as showy as mom was. (oh it's strange just imagining a showy dad). Although he did contribute a joke or two, which i can recite now because it's the same 10 over and over again. Mom was also the enforcer, the disciplinarian, 'though I've gotten yelled at by dad too, mom was the one who showed her worry most. Probably because I was a girl there was less to relate to with dad, and maybe he's loosened up in his later years, but I'm not around for that. He's not the one who spent afternoons telling us about demonios and witches and other chilling tales, falling asleep in the middle of it. He's also not the one who kept our traditions and past alive with story telling (although dad cooks more traditional food than mom). That's why we don't know jack about his side of the family...though slowly it's coming out. It's a mom thing to do, to bond with their kids and fathers are the hunters who sleep in separate quarters, coming home to bring the food. It's the woman who has to take care of the kids. I know that a lot of you are screaming "that's not how our world operates anymore" and there are many example of better or should i say "motherly" dads but what I'm trying to point out is, I guess it doesn't matter which it is, "mom" or "dad", but rather the one who nurtured you more and the one who took time out to bond with you, the one who did the "mothering" (usually that's the mom). I can understand if Mike chose dad because he is at the stage where he's rebelling at the parents, and the one most likely to coddle* him more would be mom so he's pushing her the most. I think at 17 I "hated" mom too. I spent 6 months not uttering a word to her, though occasionally I did grunt. I probably would have chosen dad too, at that time, because of her frequency to be in my face and to hassle me more about what was going on. I think I hassle my cat more than Rich does. (Note the use of "my" in the previous sentence). I wonder if she considers me her momma? She is my baby. haha...

I know this ended kinda lamely, (even ending sitcom style, with laughter) without a closing thought really, but life doesn't end perfectly and though they make for better movies I rather like the ones that keep my imagination working. So end it as you like to. Another thing, I would coddle my brother, and perhaps I do, but I understand that he's at a certain stage, and call it cowardly, I'd rather not tell him how to run his "fish backwards" just in case we might end up in a *tiff or him disliking me, or the other way around.

*Coddle means to spoil or pamper, or to baby.
*Tiff means to have a petty quarrel.

Sorry again because this was written just after I woke up, so if i seem disjointed blame the sunlight in my eyes and the fact that I can't see the keyboard (though my laptop's cover blocks the light, but this is just an excuse).

Also, Mike, I burnt you a cd and will be mailing it tomorrow. P.s. dad's b-day is the 11th. For a long time I had it confused with the 9th, the 11th and the 13th. I only "remembered" it when I asked mom the other day. Thank God for moms.

One more thing. God it was beautiful yesterday wasn't it? It was 62 degrees. G-damn! woohoo. Okay gotta run.


oh note to Rich, I love you, just don't correct me on my own blog! Also why is it when I clicked the "bold symbol" it pastes the word "strong" in the carrots, damn I don't know how to spell it, but these < > instead of "b"? I've never seen this (it's the same with italics except it's "em").

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