Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Oh boy it's been a week since my birthday! I just got back from NY where I celebrated my birthday, along with my brother's 16th birthday. I had a good time, was able to eat some yummy food and to hang out with the kiddies. A good time was had by all... I especially had a funny time hangin with Princess Lily, from whom i learned how to skip and to note that the sky was cloudy and grey, and if the wind stayed still right at where we were standing then we would get very cold, which i think makes a lot of sense and this is coming from a kindergartener. I used to dislike having to share my birthday with my brother but i actually now think that this is one of the reasons why we are so close, we're virgos (haha) tho' 6 years apart...but for now i must type up some essays and quit procratinating!

y'all take care now, ya hear?

Signing off...it's
Helle Good

Sunday, September 15, 2002

School is in it's third week this Monday and it already feels as if it were in it's 43rd. My classes have been quite boring really, i don't wonder i was into art, those are the only classes in which you can express yourself without having to write a 10 page paper on it. Why complain when i have dug this ditch that i'm in? I'm the one who suddenly thought "hey i know how to read, and enjoy it, why not go into English even though i've graduated already?" hmm...well i've been slacking with my guitar, though i can play Margaritaville fairly well, i must say. My friend from high school is stuck in upstate New York because for some reason she wanted to pursue the phoney career of making people feel better after their psychosomatic run in with backpain. She wants to be a chiropractor. I've tried my best to talk her out of it but she seems to be even more keen on going through with it. Today is my brohter's birthday and he is 16. while my birthday is two days away i have found that i am excited over it. Double numbers means double the fun, haha...i made that up, so if it doesn't make sense to you, don't worry, it makes perfect sense to me. Other news, well, there really isn't any except that on Tuesday, my birthday, i'm gettin a Konditor Meister cake, they're German for great cakes ya know, chocolate torte...heehee.
I'll save you a slice.
Singin off...it's
Helle Good

oh one more thing, i'm really upset with J.K. Rowling for not having my 5th Harry Potter book in! Maybe not her, maybe it's the publishers i should be upset at! Harry Potter rules, but Dobby is such a tea cozey. Last Line: I'm glad Kelly won on American Idol, but i really don't like her new single, coming out on my BIRTHDAY September 17th!!!
c ya, wouldn't wanna be ya

Monday, August 26, 2002

Quote of the day
The greatest mystery is not that we have been flung at random between the profusion of matter and of the stars, but that within this prison we can draw from ourselves images powerful enough to deny our nothingness.

Andre Malraux

Friday, August 23, 2002

Blurred Logic

"Death solves all problems--no man, no problem. Stalin
hmm so the annihilation of the human race is a good thing.
One i heard before but i find hilarious...hmm

A guy walks into an elevator and stands next to a beautiful woman. After a few minutes he turns to her and says, "Can I smell your pussy?"
The woman looks at him in disgust and says, "Certainly not!"
"Hmmm," he replies. "It must be your feet, then."

oh here's a site to check out, new kinda gems
Here are a couple jokes that i thought were funny:

There was this construction worker on the 3rd floor of this unfinished building. He needed a hand saw, but was too lazy to go down and get it himself, so he tried to call his fellow worker on the ground to get it for him, but this guy could not hear a word he said. So he started to give a sign so the guy on the ground could understand him.
First he pointed at his eyes (meaning "I") then pointed at his knees (meaning "need), and moved his hand back and forth describing the movement of a hand saw.
Finally, the guy on the ground started nodding his head like he understood and dropped his pants and started to jerk off.
The guy on the 3rd floor got pissed-off and ran down to the ground and started yelling at this guy, "You idiot, I was trying to tell you I needed a hand saw."
The other guy replied, "I know, I was trying to tell you that I was coming."

A Panda walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a meal. When the meal finally arrives, he eats it quickly, then shoots a drunk, and leaves the bar.
A patron walks over to the bartender and asks, "What was that all about?"
The bartender replies, "Look up 'panda' in the dictionary, pal."
And so, the patron retrieves his Webster's dictionary from his coat pocket and looks up the word 'panda.'
"What's it say?" asks the bartender.
The patron replies with a grin, "Eats shoots and leaves."

More to come latah....signing off...it's
Helle Good

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

hell ya i actually have a list of archives running down the side of my site! Ten not counting this one? hmm i'm not so sure. Oh wait....today would be ten!! i think, well we'll count it as though it were. Happy ten blogs...do do do do do.... I'm learning the guitar and yesterday i had time to actually get into it. I'm taking the day off today due to pain caused by steel strings driven and crushed against my fingertips. My left hand is in one of its dull pains, also observed when i wake up from sleeping on it the whole night, the tip of my index finger is white and caloused, could be a blister and the other non-opposable are red and sore, too bad i'm left-handed and typing and writing will be a painful experience today. But no matter! it is my tenth post do do do do do....well signing off....it's
Helle Good

Monday, August 19, 2002

Overall it was a good weekend, unexciting but terribly hot. It was the kind of hot that you had to use the pool and right after coming out of it you felt that you had to use it again. I, of course, only go "pooling" in the evening so there isn't a chance of sun damage, and also it is much cooler outside the pool and warmer in and that creates a perfect swimming atmosphere. I'm afraid that there is a rash of burglaries around the 'hood and so we have been looking into some security...what really is security? and speaking of rash that weird bumpy thing on my hand has gotten worse. i awoke this morning to find that i have been scratching yet another bite. It fools me, this rash/bite...at first i thought it was going to stretch across my entire hand covering the four non-opposable ones then I thought that it might just inch downward from my index finger to my wrist but I found this morning that it has stopped midway to my wrist and started inching up my index finger!!! At the moment it has rested in the crook between my middle and index but I fear mutiny. Perhaps it will decide to spill over to my palm, or take the leap to my other hand? Hmm well that is it for now, the weather seems much more bearable today. So I’ll just be signing off…it’s
Helle Good

Thursday, August 15, 2002

In a month and two days it will be my birthday. it's funny that i should be excited over this one because my last three haven't caused this anticipation. I don't even have plans really, except for a cake from Konditor Meister...heehee hopefull i get a cake (hint hint). I'm also starting school again in exactly 3 weeks. It's crazy because it seems a new life is starting in September, birthday, school, change? Hopefully it will be cooler for my birthday than this humidity. and for a present just for you.... http://ratemypoo.com
Signing off...it's
Helle Good

Monday, August 12, 2002

It's hard to watch the movie Angela's Ashes, everything is dark and gloomy and i'm just describing the visual aspect of it. The dark tints of blue and grey really add to the sadness and it's saturated in these colors, but not only is it visually depressing, it's also emotionally depressing. I sit here and watch it along with typing this to you all out there. Don't get me wrong! The book was wonderful, full of little comments here and there that make it amusing without the visual colors that add to this sadness, at least I can use my imagination to come up with something less miserable than this movie. If there are any mistakes forgive me because i'm also busily watching the movie and typing whatever comes into my mind.
Signing off...it's
Helle Good

Thursday, August 08, 2002

I got a guitar yesterday (as a present) and now i must take guitar lessons so that i can impress everyone with my fingering. haha. The weather has been perfect. Too bad i gave up running on the beach because it would have been a wonderful sunrise this morning. There are a lot of things that need to be done today! I have to run all over town and there are still too many things that need handling at home as well. It seems that everytime i turn around another weekend has rolled ever closer to me and you all know how i feel towards saturday! I wont even capitalized the s. That'll show it! So I’ll keep this post short and say todaloo…
Signing off...it's
Helle Good

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Oh today is so much better. The cold front came along sometime last night but i didn't get my desired thunderstorm...Even the cars seem to think so because i cannot see any traffic or cars at all for that matter below my window. Now that Summer is slowly shutting down it's show, i find that this is the time in which i've begun to feel the need to do things. Earlier in the summer i hardly lifted a finger but now i've found that i must get things done and that there is no time left in which to do it. Although if you ask me what things there are that need to be done i really can't answer you. Only it is this feeling of being rushed, time passing too quickly, not enough time for something. Why is that? Why is it that I seem to have let the first two months slip by and now I feel as if I’ve procrastinated with an important project and now must bs the entire last 10 pages of it? Perhaps it’s because I haven’t had a vacation in a while and when I finally did I talked myself into doing nothing, and now my body is telling me that it is time to go back to work and that I must catch up on everything I missed. It also doesn’t help that I woke up cold this morning after just experiencing a heat wave and I awoke thinking that fall had started and that it was time for school again. But enough of this talk! I still have a chunk of august left and I must make the most of it. So for now I’m
Signing off…it’s
Helle Good

Monday, August 05, 2002

For those who like to put down the boy bands, i know you're all in the closet about your true feelings. Please do admit when you're alone in the car or driving with mummy to school and she has lite rock on, you know every word to Backstreet's Back Alright! Who asks the ever ponderous question of the meaning of loneliness? BSB! And they are really trying their hardest to not be an embarrassment to us all. As an example n'sync has a remake of their song Girlfriend which features Nelly, now come on, we like Nelly right? He's the guy that sings that song about how hot it is and tries to talk you into taking off your clothes, what decent girl dislikes a song like that? So we really must give them some allowance and just stick a toe out of the closet? So coo away with these boys or shall i say men? and wont you please, wont you please, please wont you be my neighbor? Man it's getting hot in here, i think i'll just take off all my clothes. See ya there neighbor.
Signing off...it's
Helle Good
Although i would like to say that i love the summer for reasons such as no school, swimming pools, and air-conditioned movie theaters, there are a few unbearable things about it. For one it's too hot and sticky here, there's a haze this morning that seems to hang in the air and stick to my skin and every nook and cranny of my body making it so hard to breathe and move. In general it's terr-i-bull! I struggle for you all out there just so that i may write and post and publish this blog! Even the cars seem to be affected by this haze, they're stuck to eachother in traffic outside my window, only adding to my sense of crampness and irritability. I dislike heat waves and the foreboding sense that their was never such a thing as non-humid days. Another unbearable side-effect of Summer is the bugs, namely bugs that leave you scarred with their marks for the rest of the summer. To add to this insult they love to munch and leave their traces on the part of my body that i, as a girl, like showing off, such as my legs, my face, and my arms. I have a very peculiar bite right now on the knuckle of my right hand (thank god i'm left-handed). What makes it peculiar you ask? well it is a little less than a centimeter long, running down my hand and half a centimeter wide running across so that makes it tinier than most of my bites but here's the amazing thing! I can count 5 seperate bumps and two dots where the horrid beasts made their incisions!! Well i tire of all this typing at the moment, so for now i shall just add this, though i can probably list more reasons why i love summer, the unbearibilty (that's not a word) of it makes it the least favorite of all my seasons!
Signing off...it's
Helle Good

Sunday, August 04, 2002

I think we should be able to do audio log blogs but i guess that would take up too much space for just a 30 second little piece of advice from me. Some day i shall try it though... I would like an online audio book so that i can be read to, but perhaps i will be the only one doing the reading, as usual. I have recently become a reader of Agatha Christie, Dame rather, and now i have ordered three more books of hers bringing my total of books by Dame Agatha Christie in my lil library to...ta ta ta tadadadada: 5...yes five books. The first two were "Ten Little Indians" also published as "And then there were none" 2nd book was "Murder on the Orient Express" also published as "Murder on Calais Coach". Why do they publish it under two different names i wonder.? Well, the 1st Harry Potter was published in England as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone instead of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, just because the title was better suited for the English audience. Well maybe my first audio book shall be a Dame Christie book...and for now i shall just have to type instead of say:
Signing off...it's
Helle Good

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Once upon a time Saturday mornings were relegated to Saturday morning cartoons...but now? well, for some reason they deemed it worthy for morning news, as if Saturday was a hard working day, but as far as i can tell Saturday is not a working day at all! I'm upset that my once favored stations for disney morning cartoons is filling up my morning with insipid facts and policies which, i for one, can easily take in on a Monday thru Friday routine but not on a Saturday! my day of all day jammie wearing, cereal-eating, cartoon watching! please give me back my smurfs and care bears and heehee my macho macho g.i. joe....real american hero... !! and with this my friends you will now know that Saturday is my most disappointing day of the week, no it's not monday, no! it is SATURDAY! Clifford the big red dog, my ass!!! And now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Signing off...it's
Helle Good

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Just started this. Come back later.