Tuesday, August 20, 2002

hell ya i actually have a list of archives running down the side of my site! Ten not counting this one? hmm i'm not so sure. Oh wait....today would be ten!! i think, well we'll count it as though it were. Happy ten blogs...do do do do do.... I'm learning the guitar and yesterday i had time to actually get into it. I'm taking the day off today due to pain caused by steel strings driven and crushed against my fingertips. My left hand is in one of its dull pains, also observed when i wake up from sleeping on it the whole night, the tip of my index finger is white and caloused, could be a blister and the other non-opposable are red and sore, too bad i'm left-handed and typing and writing will be a painful experience today. But no matter! it is my tenth post do do do do do....well signing off....it's
Helle Good

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