Monday, August 05, 2002

Although i would like to say that i love the summer for reasons such as no school, swimming pools, and air-conditioned movie theaters, there are a few unbearable things about it. For one it's too hot and sticky here, there's a haze this morning that seems to hang in the air and stick to my skin and every nook and cranny of my body making it so hard to breathe and move. In general it's terr-i-bull! I struggle for you all out there just so that i may write and post and publish this blog! Even the cars seem to be affected by this haze, they're stuck to eachother in traffic outside my window, only adding to my sense of crampness and irritability. I dislike heat waves and the foreboding sense that their was never such a thing as non-humid days. Another unbearable side-effect of Summer is the bugs, namely bugs that leave you scarred with their marks for the rest of the summer. To add to this insult they love to munch and leave their traces on the part of my body that i, as a girl, like showing off, such as my legs, my face, and my arms. I have a very peculiar bite right now on the knuckle of my right hand (thank god i'm left-handed). What makes it peculiar you ask? well it is a little less than a centimeter long, running down my hand and half a centimeter wide running across so that makes it tinier than most of my bites but here's the amazing thing! I can count 5 seperate bumps and two dots where the horrid beasts made their incisions!! Well i tire of all this typing at the moment, so for now i shall just add this, though i can probably list more reasons why i love summer, the unbearibilty (that's not a word) of it makes it the least favorite of all my seasons!
Helle Good

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