Monday, August 19, 2002

Overall it was a good weekend, unexciting but terribly hot. It was the kind of hot that you had to use the pool and right after coming out of it you felt that you had to use it again. I, of course, only go "pooling" in the evening so there isn't a chance of sun damage, and also it is much cooler outside the pool and warmer in and that creates a perfect swimming atmosphere. I'm afraid that there is a rash of burglaries around the 'hood and so we have been looking into some security...what really is security? and speaking of rash that weird bumpy thing on my hand has gotten worse. i awoke this morning to find that i have been scratching yet another bite. It fools me, this rash/ first i thought it was going to stretch across my entire hand covering the four non-opposable ones then I thought that it might just inch downward from my index finger to my wrist but I found this morning that it has stopped midway to my wrist and started inching up my index finger!!! At the moment it has rested in the crook between my middle and index but I fear mutiny. Perhaps it will decide to spill over to my palm, or take the leap to my other hand? Hmm well that is it for now, the weather seems much more bearable today. So I’ll just be signing off…it’s
Helle Good

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