Saturday, March 06, 2004

Just Desserts

Poor Martha Stewart, she may end up wearing some fashionable stripes. I think it's a bit sad. I enjoy her program and have gotten some decent recipes off of it, like surprise cookies and boston cream pie (both more to Rich's liking than mine). Also, I enjoy her animal section where we learn about different animals, and of course there's the craft section, from which I've learned and created some new things. Rich mentioned this yesterday, briefly, as we saw a member of the jury speak to reporters, but that fact was, he wasn't really a "peer". We have the right to be judged by "a jury of [our] peers", and in definition a peer is "one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status". However, the man we saw, and many of the jury members in past trials did not fit the definition of peer. Problem is we can't have other celebrities be Martha's jurors. Here's a little article from the Washington Post: "In May 1999, Associate Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor delivered a remarkable address in which she suggested that jurors routinely rendered verdicts without enough information to do their jobs. "Too often," O'Connor told the National Conference on Public Trust in the Justice System, "jurors are allowed to do nothing but listen passively to the testimony, without any idea what the legal issues are in the case, not allowed to take notes or participate in any way, and finally to be read a virtually incomprehensible set of instructions and sent into the jury room to reach a verdict in a case they may not understand much better than they did before the trial began."" To read the rest of the article click on this link.

I wonder if this will be referred to as Stewart vs. the gov't.

All right, I know no one likes long posts, I don't either, especially if it's about the law, but I just felt bad for Mah-tha. Our gov't needs to get it's act together. Too bad I chose a different route a long time ago. I know my limitations. Perhaps if we all sought to foment* our minds we could get something accomplished.

*Foment means: to promote the growth or development of : rouse, incite


p.s. fox had different kinds of groups on their "test the nation" last night, such as "blondes", "celebrities", "students", "doctors and nurses", "garbagemen", and "teachers and professors". Who came in on top? the teachers and professors did. and who came in second? students. That gives me hope that they're actually teaching something and teaching it well.

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