Monday, May 24, 2004

With Diet and Exercise

Okay so it's time to start on a diet and exercise regimen. I always say this but then I just get off of it, but this time I'm serious! I just received my Victoria's Secret swimsuit catalogue and was motivated into doing this. So I'm gonna write out a schedule and stick with it. Hopefully I'll lose some weight and gain some muscle. So why tell the world? Because by telling you I'll have that constant pressure to update and keep at it, I hope it works. I wonder how much I can do in two months?

Part of my schedule has to include a time for me to write. I'm trying to start a book and I'm giving myself the easy goal of writing at least 5 pages a day. That shouldn't be so hard but I'm striving for more, so the faster it'll be complete. The slower it is, the faster I lose interest in it. Must be a form of ADD. Or maybe it's a sign that the book's boring. heh. Well we'll see. Okey so if we stick to 5 pages a day and I write for two months, how many pages is that? 300 pages, (60 days). Wow can you imagine?? haha.

I gotta go. See y'all later. Wish me luck and have a nice day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck! I'm going to start exercising too. I'm gonna love it. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.