Monday, May 17, 2004

On The Road Again

There's a few things I like about going home to New York. First, is just seeing my family and friends, second, is experiencing the nice weather. Third is the drive, home and back to Mass. The better drive is driving back to Massachusetts because I drive the Merritt Parkway to the I-95, and the Parkway has a nice view. My favorite tree is on the Parkway, except they messed it up a few years ago by cutting up the branches. It was my good luck tree, and it looks as if we caught it in the middle of twisting it's hair and arms, and as soon as we leave it'll finish shaking it's self. It's so grand, located somewhere between exits 37-39 on the Merritt Parkway. Imagine driving under a canopy of trees, the sunlight peeking through the branches, light and shadow flickering above you, a warm breeze blowing through the window, the hum of the road beneath you, a good song on the radio. One problem is that it lulls you to sleep, its so soothing. You wouldn't think going 65 mph is soothing but it is. Especially when no one is around you, and when they pass you they just intensify the hum of the asphalt.

So driving drowsy and relaxed I hit Providence, which wakes you up. No pun intended. I went through Rhode Island, not met God, although I think I did have an epiphany in church yesterday. (I'll explain later). Then the sun leaves as soon as I get 5 miles to Mass. and it starts raining and gets cold! So I have to close the window, go slower because of the rain and traffic and turn on the lights because it's getting darker. But the best part of the drive is getting home after the aggravation of driving with Mass. drivers and getting a big hug from Rich. Then I ate, took a shower and went to bed at 6 and didn't wake up til 7 this morning. Nice huh? hehe. It's a crappy day here. I thought that it was supposed to be sunny and warm. Okay, have a nice day everyone!



Anonymous said...

what is the epiphany at church that you had?

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