Friday, May 21, 2004

Graduation, Women, Men

Before I start this post I just wanna give a few shout outs to Julienne, who is graduating today. Yay! Happy graduation Julienne. Also happy graduation to my cousin, Frances, who is now a doctor. Wow!! Happy soon to be graduation to my brother, Mike and Julie's brother George!!

Okay, now onto my post.

First off, women are so different; sizes, shapes, looks, etc. Now what offends me is when men who dress up as women or think that they are really a woman inside, believe that they must dress in skirts and dresses, that they must put excessive make-up on, they must wear high heels. Their definition of being a "woman" is skewed. Not every woman wears a dress (i don't), or heels (again I don't) or make-up, (ditto), but I am feminine and I am a woman. Being a woman does not entail owning a few hundred shoes... I really only wear two different pairs, and it's defined by the weather and activity. It's as if they must convince the outside world what they are, instead of being happy, internally, with what they are.

Now a different topic.

The other day, Dr. Phil, had on this couple, and the husband was gay, and they knew this fact before they got married, and they even had one child. But this wasn't what bothered me. What really annoyed me was that Dr. Phil excused his cheating with another man because he was gay! What the f@&$!! Because the guy could not use any kind of self-restraint, we have to just find a different excuse that he cheated on his wife and forgive him? Hey I like guys too and there are temptations all around me but I don't cheat on my guy. For god's sake, does being gay mean that you don't have any self-control? "Oh gosh, I just couldn't help myself"? How dare they make it an issue of being gay and how dare they excuse his disgusting actions. You cheated, that's the base of it. Oh wow, there's a guy across the street, I better f him because that's what I am. I'm a heterosexual. I can't seem to help myself.

Also, another thing that bothers me is that on the Colonial House, this guy felt that he was burdened by keeping it a secret that he was gay. Is it really that hard to keep inside what your sexual preference is? I don't stand around wondering what type of sex you prefer. I like to keep that private. I really don't care. I don't think I have to go around telling everyone that I'm feeling pretty low for not telling them sooner that I'm a heterosexual. Oh god, I have a confession, I'm a Catholic. Oh, so you're gay... well now it's different! Of course not! I'd just be a little grossed at you personally because you're trying to talk to me about sex and I'd rather not discuss it. It's like watching people kiss, I'd rather not see it. Funny enough, the people he told it to just started laughing at him. Their response was "oh, is that all? Well my husband's daughter is gay and my daughter's gay. We thought you were gonna tell us what horrible people we were to make you work so hard." haha. Okay that's enough of my ranting.

Okay all. Have a good day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree.