Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Future Tense

Remember in the 50's... well actually I don't either, but I mean the reruns of shows in black and white, where they have the shows all taking place in the future? Well we will all know that we are in the future when a few things occur (using those reruns as our cues, oh also the Jetsons [of course]) . First off, we still do not have a robotic maids sweeping around us, speaking in those awful tinny voices, although we're working on it. We do have roomba, robotic floor cleaner, which zooms around without our help, cleaning the floor. Then there are the flying cars. Flying cars! Imagine the accidents then, huh? We'll have our kids playing in the park and there will be cars, falling from the sky to worry about! There are the laser guns, which we have, sorta, just a beam attached to a real gun to help the carrier aim it at the right spot. We have the technology with lasers, but instead of guns, to destroy our enemies we have them to fix myopia, and we drive our cats crazy with the little red spots on the floor. Watch out aliens or we'll ferociously fix your nearsightedness. Oh yes, this one, we'll really know if we're in the future when we have submissive, cheerful housewives! Once all women decide, as one, to stop wearing pants and stop working, and serve our husbands delicious meals (or pills), smiling happily all along, we'll know we are in the future. Speaking of which, there is a new movie coming out, based on the book "The Stepford Wives" (same author of "Rosemary's Baby") which looked like a horror movie to me, but I think Rich might have had a smile on his face watching the trailer. You'll have to watch the trailer to know. One last thing, a cue to the future, which shows that we are one foot in, is the jet pack. Just recently, a man, soared high above London on a jet pack! Yes folks, we are almost there... so close. It's gonna be the exponential factor, how we start so slow but soon everything zooms at an unbelievable rate. And we'll all soon look like this:

"Have a good fright", a quote from Dad's favorite joke. It should be flight, but.... forget it.


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