Sunday, May 16, 2004

Number One

Yesterday was quite the busy event around here. We went to many different places... which reminds me that I need to gas up. The last in the evening's list of things to do was to go over my "aunt's" house for her daughter, Cheska's, 10th birthday party and her other daughter's Ciara (Shara) first communion celebration. Mike and I decided that we should get the uno cards out and enjoy a few hands of that with everyone. Both Cheska and Ciara inisted on playing. They are both very bossy and very demanding... very much like their mom. heh. They're both little preeny princesses too, again, like their mom. heh. They had invited their friends from school over and so there were a few troops marching around and around the house.
It was a few good games of uno. Poor Alison lost every round but one, and the one she won she actually won before anyone else did. Haha. Terrible. I dunno if it was because she didn't know how to play, or she just ended with a bad hand time after time. You would think she would win every round since we were all focused in on eachother and wanted to make everyone else draw four, but she always seemed to be the one to draw and be the one to be skipped. I did not know she went to college already. whoops. I should have known it though.
Then we played "donkey", a fast paced round of passing and slamming. It was a bit edgy, with people screaming "not yet!" "don't pass" "where's my card???" and Ciara screaming, "I want to play the next round!!" "Why can't I play now?" "Let me do it for you!!" Very intense.
Only complaint I had was that Uncle Jesse, father of the girls and husband to said aunt above, didn't cook... especially his popular leche flan. They ordered out the food from a Filipino catering service, and I really didn't appreciate it. It didn't have that home feel to it. I hope they didn't use MSG, but doesn't matter anyway, I didn't eat a lot of it. Only the dessert. hehe. Mom was exclaiming I would gain ten pounds after eating the cassava cake. But I just say, "let me eat cake!". Uh-oh. I gotta get ready for church. I hope they have a nine o'clock mass.
I'll finish this little tale later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »