Sunday, January 23, 2005

View From My Front Door and Other Events

Here are a few pics, all taken today, either this morning or 10 minutes ago. The wind's gusting it up like there's no tomorrow and I think Rich is buried somewhere outside. Even though he complains afterward everyone knows how much he enjoys the snow and the shoveling.

This is from my front door. It was taken this morning. I can't take a recent one just because it's so dark my flash upsets everything, and I'm too lazy to press the button to make it not so.

This is the view from the kitchen window, looking out onto the porch. I call it "Cheesecake Porch". I dunno if you guys can make out the table and it's strange cheesecake formation.

There's Rich, digging us out of the snow drifts so that we can spend the day driving around. heh. Speaking of Rich, I better go see if he's okay.

See yas,