Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Such weird things occur when I press that "next blog" button. The last time I did it (which was a long time ago) I found this dude who had my last name and who lived in the Phils and grew up around the same area my dad was from. Weird huh? So then I emailed him and he emailed me back but it didn't end up we were related at all after checking with my parents but there was a slight chance because my grandpa moved around and could have spawned other kids. hehe. Or his brothers coulda did that too.

Then tonight while watching A.I. I clicked on the next blog button and I find this woman who worships her Moses action figure. The same one Mike gave me for Christmas! Now how many people have these action figures? I bet it's Moses telling me that he's missing his stone tablet (which happened to break off after he went rolling off the shelf and I couldn't find it and now they're separated and I've been meaning to glue it together but now they're all packed off in different boxes... yada yada yada).

I gotta go. See yous.

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