Monday, January 03, 2005

Oh Brother!

hmm, I wonder if my brother ever figured out his password to his email. I sent him something there forgetting the fact that he forgot his password...

I just want to say, yeah so I read you had sex for the first time. hmm, what can one say that wont sound offensive or can one even say something without detracting from such an experience? well I guess since you're not a girl there's not much to say about it. haha. I keep it at this. Please wear protection, we don't want you with those disgusting diseases or even the mildly unpleasant ones, and I hope you're not doing it for the act only, 'cause that would make you gross in my book. I really hope you think about the consequences, the other person, yourself and that although it may seem such a simple act there are things that reflect in it (in the aftermath). Yeah yeah, sounds like a girl writing it. Okay, wont bug you about your "love" life and I'd rather not discuss it with you any further but if you want to talk to anyone ya know I'm around. And if you didn't want me to write about it in my blog, then you shouldn't have made it so known in yours. heh. tit for tat.

good, now that that's settled...
good day all,

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