Monday, January 17, 2005

Freak Out!

I'm watching Trading Spouses and I just saw one of the mom's meet the new dad and the dad comes up to her and gives her a hug as a welcome and she then says in the interview, "He leaned in to hug me and we're not friends, we're not lovers, I'm not cheating with him. Why did he hug me? He doesn't know where to draw the line." She says the same thing when the kids give her a hug too. Is it me or is that a sign of a crazy person, someone who doesn't like to receive a friendly greeting hug?

As I was watching I went to open the "book" that I'm working on on my comp and due to bad shutting down I was already ready for something and boom, a little avalanche. A nice little window pops up to inform me that it wasn't properly saved and it might not have all the stuff I wrote before I "shut it down" blah blah blah do you want to recover it? So at this time I'm having a minor myocardial infarction and I cross my fingers press recover and bam, I believe in God once more. Haha. I have some 100 plus pages on this thing and had written 5 earlier in the day and to lose the five pages would be somewhat traumatic. But I know better now. Let's hope. hehe.

P.S. New poll coming sometime tomorrow.

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