Sunday, June 20, 2004


Hey there all! Happy Father's Day, fazza! It's beautiful out, I hope it doesn't get too hot, I like it in the 70's and no hotter, or if it's hot then I hope it's not too humid. I heard they (the families) were celebrating Father's day over by Rye Playland, with a picnic and amusements. Sounds fun, I love amusement parks. I saw this documentary last night on PBS, about amusement parks around the US and found out that Playland is the only park that's owned and operated by the government. Yeah good times. I hope they've got some good food also!

So Sunday again and it's sermon day. I'm all frazzled because, of course, left it all to the last minute. I have some parts written but as usual my problem is the ending. How do I sum it all up? I have to prepare my readings and get it to cohere to my intentions. Problem is most of my readings come from the internet bibles and so they're mostly translated in the King James version, and now I gotta check 'em against our bible* to make sure they are saying the thing I want them to say. I wanted to see if I could also get some readings outside of the bible. It's always fun to compare two or more sources that are not alike. It's easy to say, "well look here in Luke they say this," and then point out, "here in leviticus it says this". It's almost like quoting a guy and then using him to back up your first quote. Anywho, i'm procrastinating. gotta run! Will write mas tarde.

Have a great day everyone!

* Our bible has four "versions" or should I say "Translations" in it. It includes the King James version, the New International Version, the New Living Translation and the New American Standard Bible. I prefer the latter two, you miss out on the King James Version's "thee, thou, thy and hath begotten". New American Standard Bible is a word-for-word translation, while the New Living Translation is a thought-for-thought translation. Both are written in easy to read english, no glorious "thine" and "brethren".

alright gotta run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » » »