Sunday, June 13, 2004

Odds and Ends

Hey does Ray Charles end it? Ya know, they come in threes? So Tony Randall (May 19), Ronald Reagan, and Ray Charles? They were all performers, they all have "R" in their name... Yeah.

So no running today, Rich is still sore. I'm busy typing up a few things, my sermon being one of them. I really shouldn't try to scramble at the end of the week. I should write it little by little during the week... but old habits are hard to break. That's what I did in school too. Only a few times did I ever do that (writing out an assignment waaaay in advance) and I came up with the conclusion, after receiving a B for the assignment, that I was better off waiting til the end of the week to write it all up. I tried it out for the next assignment and procrastinated and received an A. Voila! Instant success. heh.

It looks as if it will be a pleasant day today. Oh, for three nights in a row I had these "nightmares" in which Rich threatens me if I leave him. The first one he placed this bad-aid looking thing on my hand and told me that he had it wired up remotely and if I were to ever leave him then all he had to was press the button and my hand would flop around violently until it was broken. I couldn't take the bandage off either or else the same thing would happen. I told Rich the dream and if I complain to him about something he'd raise his hand and flop it around as a reminder. heh. The second dream was one where he chased me around and I ran to the room but he stuck his foot in the door and I had to punch at his face so he'd back off, but then he took my cat and said he'd kill her if i didn't come out. The third one I just remember him chasing me some dark alley. Strange huh?

Alright that's it for now! Write more later! I will change the poll too.

Have a great day everyone.