Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Nush-nush and 7mph

There's this song by Cassidy & Mashonda Tirfrere-Dean called "Get No Better" in which he sings "Mmmm wit yo sexy self go to my hotel and undress yourself", I don't know how it is anywhere else but here in Boston some of the stations I listen to actually "fix" the 'undress yourself' part and it comes out 'go to my hotel and nush-nush yourself' which makes it sound dirtier than what it is. haha

And on to jogging/running... well like I predicted the heat and humidity would affect me and it did. Yesterday's slightly cooler weather actually made me enjoy running on the treadmill because I like getting a little sweaty, it makes me feel as if I'm actually accomplishing something. heh. So in this mood I bumped it up to 7mph and ran for a few when I started getting the burning lungs sensation, so I had to put it back down. I'm a bit embarrassed because some people can run a 6 minute mile and I can only do double that! ugh. And running 7mph doesn't even come close. It's only an 8 1/2 minute mile. My goal is a ten minute mile, but I know I wont be reaching that any time soon, especially in this heat! I was on for a minute and I was already drenched. yuck. Gotta go.
