Saturday, June 19, 2004

Brought Down

So I've been making improvements in my jogging right? I've tried to increase my speed on the treadmill so that when it comes time to run the field I'd be able to do it in a shorter, faster pace. Yesterday I even concentrated on my breathing and not the runnin and zoned out for a while. So here Rich and I are totally psyched that we're back to our running and that we did real good last time. Yay 7 minutes! Woohoo. Then! Rich tells me yesterday that his hated sister ran a marathon in Cali. A 26 mile marathon! ooh i'll just sign up for a marathon and run it, god and she's kinda chunky too! well she looks chunky...but i think it's because she's really a midget, ya know how little folk always look chunky? whenever she comes around here she breaks the treadmill running on it straight for an hour with the incline set so high i gotta keep my finger on it for a minute before it can go down to the level i want it at! god can you hear the bitterness in my voice? damn! and tomorrow's sermon day too. ahhh. haha. well Rich and I tried to make ourselves feel better by saying that sprinters are better off than marathon runners... i forget why, i'll have to ask him later. hehe. Well i'm off to drown my sorrow in a tub of haagen daz vanilla and almonds ice cream. I will be posting a joke for today. sorry, i had to take a break, those suckers are hard to find.

P.S. does it sound as if theresa wants to break up with Ray?

Have a wonderful, glorious, saturday kiddies!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sprinters: tigers, cheetahs, cats in general.
Marathon runners: the grazing, prey animals such as deer and bunnies.

Sprinters are big and beefy due to the muscularity needed to run fast. Marathon runners are slim and stringy and don't have a lot of muscle.