Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Half-Bloods and Alien Theory

Oh my gosh! I almost died today... not literally and perhaps I should watch my language because that is not meant in that way at all. Right speech and all... anywho. I received an email telling me to fuggin' pre-order fuggin' book 6 of the Harry Potter series!! "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" fuggin' coming out in July!!! July fuggin' 16th. Oh fugg me! haha. I was rolling around on the floor huggin' myself. hehe weeee. wheeee. Only 7 more months to fuggin' go.

Another thought... listen to this theory and tell me what you think...
I'm totally convinced (in my self-centered way) that aliens come from the sky to take me to their spaceship to have a look at me under their version of a microscope. How else do we explain my constant nosebleeds as a child? Duh! It's the device they crammed up there to keep track of my progress.
What if a few millions of years ago there was a race of humanoids who lived on this earth, who achieved the capability of leaving this planet and settling elsewhere because of the impending threat of an asteroid that would destroy all living things. Then they left, established life somewhere else, an asteroid then hits Earth, killing the "bigger" creatures, thus making way for our own progression into this identity that we call "homo sapiens"? Therefore we are in some ways related to those aliens out there and they have come to visit us and help us to progress to where we are. How else do you explain the appearances of the pyramids in Egypt, and South America oh and Mexico etc. at the same time? And of course we wouldn't find traces of these humanoids because, well let's face it folks, we can barely find traces of past selves in the depths of the sand and soil. P.S. it's hard to find traces of dead grizzly bears in the wild (such as bones and things). There's no saying that there is no such thing as bigfoot as well. Please to excuse my conspiracy theories but think about it.

Oh speaking of conspiracy theories and the like... I just saw The Bourne Supremacy on dvd and I liked it. If you want some action, excitement and all that, then see it.
Night night all! Yay! Three days til Christmas... except for the Soobster and me, it's only two more days til Christmas. We've made it a tradition to celebrate the birth of Christ on the eve. Call it lack of patience, call it "feels more Christmas-sy on that day than it does on Christmas", call it what you like, just don't call me late for dinner. haha.


P.S. No one else can call him "Soob", "Soobee", "Soobster" or any variation of "Soobee" but me. Ya got that? You can call him Ate/Manang Rich. hehe.

Me. again