Monday, August 11, 2003

woohoo! Blogger's back baby. I finally got to publish all the ones I didn't get to publish yesterday, and yes Mick I can see the picture of the cat on the log that you put up. (I hope that's what you meant for me to see when I talked to you.) Oh and ask Isa if her mom got the package that I sent her last week! Take pics! Don't forget...!

I just want to say that there will probably be just a few more stories for the Mulberry Street Chronicles (short stories) because I am working on a full length short story and not a short short like the ones I've been posting. My full realization of the chronicles is to give you all a tidbit of what occurs in different households and blossom out into full novels per household. Except it will be different genres. For example, the funny old lady will just be novel, total fiction blase blah. The couple short will be more of a real time memoir (my own genre). The little girl would be a horror/psychological thriller. There will be one of all poetry called poetry of a house. The one I'm writing now is subtitled "Robert" but it's still all on Mulberry Street; part of the chronicles. This one is a fantasy. The next one I'm going to post, probably a sci-fi. Hope y'all like it. Okee I'm heading out. See you all soon.


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