Saturday, August 09, 2003

god! they say that writers are a dime a dozen, and I have been told that I am only worth half of their time, or was it that I was worthless? I dunno. Favorite songs? On Broadway. Dust in the Wind. Breakfast at Tiffany's, but only because of my brother. Worth less of their time than some person who cannot even write a good line. Not once! And I have dozens! But for lack of a plot? Of course it is just really a strange series of events. Really not even strange, just a series of happenings down Mulberry Street. Oh but it's more poetry is it? It can't just be can it? Well maybe the plot's coming! Maybe the plot is a miniscule part of this work. God forbid that you weren't born with another view of life besides something that pushes the story. Just read it and sit back, nothing has to happen...even in life, is there a set path? I must find that quote that I like so much. Something about no matter how much we are directed into a path, the things that occur never turn out as we planned.

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