Thursday, August 14, 2003

Some more dealings and underhandedness in part of school and other things. Ugh! Why can't they just tell me exactly what I need. As if no one has ever done this before! Well have they??? It's quite annoying. Now I must put myself out of the way in order to get clear answers and such...if I didn't have Rich it would be so easy to just sit back and accept it; what is occurring now and also the consequences, but he needs to get to the bottom of things...heehee. And so I will also get to the bottom of things. He and I go well together. He's "uber" patient whilst I am not (well with him and certain members of my family I am impatient). He's not lazy, when he has his mind on something he does it, whilst I like to procrastinate, to come up with excuses, to find any means of distraction. He on the other hand is not so, even if he is off the horse he gets back on. I am easily discouraged in certain things, but don't get me wrong, I have my stubborn streak too and will back it up fiercely. Oh by the way Mick, thanks for f-ing up my birthday gift to you. Freak. Now what? The Debut? A trip to never never land? A goddamn Foxwoods CD? ugh! Ooh I will be going to Plimoth Plantation soon!! Perhaps pictures of my trip! How dare you take my $17.50 gift!! Oh yeah and it is Plimoth Plantation! so there. Rich doesn't seem to keen on going though. He lists the following reasons:
1. Sun
2. It's just us two, so maybe the inhabitants wont feel up to putting on a show for just two people
3. It might be as fun as going to the planet-arium(or the MFA, one of my own faves) (meaning not fun at all)
4. Driving to an unknown area, and horror of horrors! on the highway!!
5. Sun

haha. But I cried, and I begged for you to love me love me, say that you love me. Fool me fool me, go one and fool me. Ahem and now to Plimoth Plantation. A trip planned for the end of the month, buwahaha. Well I must go and get some Chinese food. "I like girls who where Abercrombie and Fitch, Chinese food makes me sick...lalalalala for the summer, for the summer"
Ooh and don't forget to read my Mulberry Street Chronicles. you'll find a link at the left hand side at the top of the page. Left hand, wut wut.


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