Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Hey Mick, great list. I especially liked the provolone mention...i told you so! Witch. I found the cheerleader mention funny too, I can just imagine. Oh me lucky charms! And why didn't I get any ghetto shorts! Daymn! You guys were there for several days! Maybe I'd appreciate thin "bitch" shorts! ooh yeah, watch out Boston. haha kids are funny creatures and I'm sorry to hear that the pinball winning genes weren't passed over to you. Luckily for me...I'm great at pinball. One day when I happen to stumble upon a pinball match in some dark alley I will able to come out in one piece, but I sure do feel badly for you little bro. Yep yep. It's nice to have a computer double as a tv. Rich is using his comp to watch some wacky documentary on the Roman Empire and sex. hmm. Now we're watching South Park, did you know that by putting food in the place where it usually comes out you'll end up pooing from your mouth? haha. Night night folks.


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