Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I've just seen Bowling for Columbine and I must say it is a good documentary because it gives you an issue and tries to unravel its causes but really comes to no specific reason as to why it occurs, but gives you many pieces of the puzzle. It would be beating a dead horse to tell you all to rent it, but rent it. It's sarcastic and witty and does teach you something. Did you know that in England 65 people in the last year died by a gun, while in Australia only 63, and in Japan 39, but in the U.S.? 11,000+. Amazing. What's even more amazing that in Canada's 10 million pop, 7 million own guns but only 100+ people were shot and killed with a gun in the last year. Funny huh? You can't really say that it's our violent history when looking back on European and Asian history there has been so much bloodshed and wars caused by the imperialist system. You can't say it's poverty because Canada has a higher unemployment rate than the U.S., maybe the violent images on t.v. and movies? well more violent video games are manufactured in Japan and Asia than here, and they see the same amount of movies, mostly the gory stuff, when they interviewed teens. Then what? I dunno. A lot of fear was discussed and that's definitely something I've seen. Well think it over, night night.

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