Sunday, November 14, 2004

Obscenities and Bad Things

This post has nothing to do with the title, I just felt like writing it.
It's about quite the opposite really... wait not quite. I do wanna bitch about something but that will come later.

I spent most of the hour of 8 writing up pleasantries onto Christmas cards, which I will be sending out on November 30th so that you can have most of December to cherish it. I don't get to appreciate the late coming Christmas cards. I have finished my list of people to send it to and that also served to be a tentative guest list for my wedding. I mean come on, if I don't send you a Christmas card, does that really mean I want you at my wedding? So... I hope I didn't forget anyone... heh. It's cold and crisp out. The sky's a frosty blue, only reserved for winter and in a little while I'll convince Rich to get his parents to return my movies for me so that I don't have to bundle up, scrape the ice from my car, warm it up, and sit inside for the one minute drive I wouldn't dare to walk. Speaking of movies... I saw the Stepford Wives, that's all I am going to say (dumb) and I saw Ju-On "The Grudge" the Japanese version of, yup, you guessed it: The Grudge. It was alright, but I had to compare notes with my brother as to how the two differed and how they were similar. Most of it was the same but there were a few quirks. It ended about the same too.

Now speaking of my brother...
I know college is the place where you're on your own so that you can experience life in the "safety" of having your leash loosened from your parents a little more, but does that mean you drop all sense of decency? Hey I curse too, but I'm not a potty mouth, mister! (My curses being "fugg" and "bloody hell" and "thinner!!!") I don't appreciate my phone calls with you interspersed with obscenities and bad things. Terrible. Think of me as being brought up during Victorian times, in other words I'm a prude so I'd be happy if you kept your dirty language to yourself. You kiss mom with that mouth! Oh and I'd like to have you know I wont tell anyone, except the people who read this blog... and yah go ahead and live your life drinking "socially" when you're only 18!! Jeez. I mean sure, have a drink, try it, but just don't tell me you woke up with some f-ugly unknown next to you and that you've contracted a disease. That's disgusting. Hey I made mistakes too just don't make the huge ones that drinking can make. Haha, I make you to look like a drunk but you did just have a teeny drink right? Right?? hehe

Lala. Oh by the way, the peanut butter frosting and chocolate cake was good, and because the frosting was a little "smoothed out" by some sugar and milk it wasn't tongue-roof-of-my-mouth at all, but I just had a teensy weensy sliver. haha. Remind me to make it for you when I see you, or would you prefer a cheesecake? Too bad mom doesn't like things too sweet, she surely wouldn't like the frosting, but it sure smelled nummy. Okay I gotta go and buy christmas stamps and clean the other room. Have a wonderful Sunday and a big "I love you" to everyone, and to that special one who's still asleep and will probably blush when he reads this... I know, I know you don't blush, you're such a big, macho man! grrr. hahaha.

Have a wonderfully warm day, inside and out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »