Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Dreamy Thoughts

I am just about to watch Elf... I'll tell you how good it really is tomorrow, but for now...

You know how you're just about to fall asleep and weird thoughts come flashing through you're mind. Well I call this time my "brainy thoughts time" because that's when the brightest ideas come, consequently I forget them all, I think I may have solved the meaning of life at one point but then I fell asleep thinking "a-ha!!" Well listen to this!!

How many weeks are there in a year? 52, right?
And how many weeks in a month? 4, right?
And how many month in a year? 12.
So how come it's not 48 weeks in a year (12x4)?
Where did the extra (4 weeks) month come from and where does it go??

I've come to call that extra month "Festivus" in tribute to George's dad on Seinfeld.

How's that for deep thoughts?? haha. G'night folks and sweet dreams.



Anonymous said...

I have those times too. They happen right before bed when I already turned off the computer and can't type them up. But I think if I typed them, they'd drift away before I got the first sentence down. It's just things that were not meant to be captured. They are just windows into how the universe works. Glimpses to bring us feelings of deeper understanding.

What can be bad though, is when you do write them down and you read them the next day and they lost every ounce of magical meaningfulness and "a-ha" that you thought they had. The life is gone from them and they seem like meaningless blather. It was all about that particular moment in time, it could not be captured on paper. It's like if you filmed a meaningful conversation with a friend you had. During, you feel so alive and connected and magical. If you later view it, you sound like idiots.

Moments were made to be moments. They can't be captured.

And when I read what I just wrote tomorrow, I'll say "what a douche". Thanks and goodnight.

Anonymous said...

The movie Elf was decent. And 7 days in a week and 4 weeks in a month so 28 days a month. So I guess those extra days at the end of months are like the weekends of months and so aply named festivus