Monday, April 05, 2004

Picture Of The Week

Whoops, forgot to put this up yesterday. This was taken a few days ago. It just captures how the rest of the week was; bare, cold, grey, begging for spring to spring. This was taken at a "park" (more like a parking lot) that we always pass by and we picked the coldest day to take a picture! Rich just cut his hair so he didn't have any protection for his little head...he did have a hoodie but man-like refused to wear it. So we hustled around the park and took this picture, and made a festinate* retreat. That water behind it is just a little harbor-lake created by the ocean. The line of trees behind it to the right is a dog park that we refuse to go to...because it's full of crap, literally. Behind the dog park you can make out some apartment buildings (3) in descending order and that's where a park that we used to run in lays. (lies?) We go there every so often, but we suspect it's where the army may keep secrets, beneath the hills and things, but that's all speculation, although there is this odd vent thing that sticks out above the hill, hidden by brush and trees. AND it's got a perfect view of anything coming into Boston harbor...shh. They may use it to spray chemicals at "enemies". Have a good day all!

*Festinate means: hasty


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