Saturday, April 17, 2004

Excellent Victuals?

I heard that Mickey D's will soon be offering happy meals for adults. I was so excited to hear it, until I found out that the "special toy" would be a pedometer or an article written by Oprah's Fitness Trainer. So I get nuggets and fries with that?, you ask... well not exactly. You get a nice salad and bottled water. Ooh, yippee. This resulted from being the target of a lot of the obesity lawsuits out. Sucks being an adult. They're also modifying the kid's meal so that instead of french fries and soda, your kids can get apple slices and juice. To read more here's CNN's article, here.

Oh speaking of becoming an adult... has anyone else noticed an attraction to VH1 or is it just me? Man, they got me with the I love the 80's and then I watched the "Best Week Ever" and I love it every week. Makes me say, "that was the best week ever!" Wasn't VH1 the parents' channel? I want my VH1.

Oh Mikey (I wonder if he dislikes being called Mikey) will be here soon. He's on a greyhound bus for boston as I type this. Poor fellow had to get up early and leave at 5:45. haha. I beat him though because I got up at four, fed the cats, played literati til 6, changed litters, jogged til 7:30, wrote a list for the store and now tippety-typing. I did much more than he did. I bet he's sleeping on the bus! We'll be spending the day in Boston. I will be posting pics up, no doubt, tomorrow. Hope we have a great day, or at the least a satisfactory one. Okay gotta run to the supermarket then play with the cats, cook, pick up Mike, blah blah blah. Have a great day everyone! It's supposed to be gorgeous today. Good thing I picked this day for him to come. Yay.

Soot's being a nuisance today, bothering the poor other cat, running up to him and swatting him and waiting til he's in the litter box to smack him in the face. I had to holler at her and chase her around.


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