Thursday, April 08, 2004

Crocuses and Robins

Hello All! The other day, driving home I caught sight of the blue crocuses sprouting up in the local wildlife sanctuary. That is my sign that Spring is here. I love those blue crocuses. There's a house nearby that I always drive by during spring because their whole lawn is blue with crocuses. What a wonderful idea. I think I will do that to my lawn one day too. I knew spring was around because I saw a Robin Red Breast on our lawn a few weeks ago. It's orange chest was like this beacon of light during a really dreary, gloomy day. I will chance taking a picture of those blue crocuses but this town, though has nice flowers, is very paranoid. I read in the police log of our weekly journal that someone called the police because someone was "taking pictures". Come on!! That must have been me, remember those pics I took awhile ago of our New England Town? This is a very racist town too, (but really what town isn't racists in one way or another?). Whites only, and Rich whites only. God forbid. Ugh don't get me started...I was feeling good about spring. They must think I'm a mail order bride or a nanny or something when I traipse around town with Rich. haha. I use to even get attitude from the postal employee (he's retired now) but damn! you don't even live here! haha. okay deep breaths. Listening to Roger Miller singing "King of the Road". Howard's on break, probably because of the holiday Pasch*...Passover that is. Which was two days ago. Oh yeah I caught some Filipino women when I was waiting in line at the post office a couple of times and they had mixed kids...ooh! Watch out...we know how to integrate! Assimilate! Create! Update! Checkmate! Well we know how to look good enough to tempt your men. heh. Okay gotta run all.

*Pasch means:
*1 : Easter
2 : Passover

(it's pronounced pask...sound familiar?)

Have a great day all!


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