Friday, April 09, 2004


I didn't get to take pictures of the crocuses but maybe later in the week I will. Oh by the way, Good Friday to you all. Yesterday Rich and I went on our first annual opening bike ride to welcome the spring. Even though we went around noon it was still rather chilly having the wind blow against your face as we rode along, but we wore hoodies and I got Rich to wear gloves, though maybe I should have taken the advice myself, but I wanted to be the hero (as my mom would put it). Oh it was glorious! The foliage still have not come up so we could see other trails around us, and also deeper into the woods. In this way it was not as creepy as when it is blocked by leaves and brush. We saw a few people, one biker and one man sitting by the water with his dog. Oh for all of you not in the know, we bike at a state park, one of the larger ones of the area, and you can bike along for about an hour without turning back. Our goal was to bike to the boat dock but when we got there, there was a big suv right by the water, so we turned around and found another clearing by the water. I don't even understand how the SUV could have gotten in there, first the trail looked too narrow for it to pass by, second the gates should have been closed for any vehicle to come in and third, i don't think vehicles are allowed on the trails. Oh well.

We went down "dead telephone pole alley" and "pine tree alley" (i'll be posting pictures) but we never linger on any of the roads that lead to "that which shall not be named". Ooh just thinking about it gives me chills. There's a place in that park where it seemed no one went and which Rich and I happened to bike to one day (last year). It was eerie and confusing and totally sheltered with overgrown trees and vines. At one point the trees grew so thick overhead that it blocked the sun and we were travelling in a natural tunnel of trees, dark and foreboding. Then what's worse is there were strange signs written in chalk, on the ground...symbology that I care not to repeat here! We finally found our way out but we were flying as if the devil himself were after us. I think I may have had nightmares where we're stuck at a path and unsure of which one to choose when we heard some strange strangling sounds and a high pitched scream. We immediately got on our bikes and started out of there, but there was something wrong with my bike and I could only go very know those nightmares...and I'm calling to Rich to wait for me but he's far ahead of me and getting farther. He finally disappears around a bend and the noise is right behind me...though I like going fast this dream reminds me that we bought cheap Wal-mart bikes which at any minute might just collapse beneath us.

Yeah so we had a nice bike ride yesterday. How will you be spending your Easter? I bought us tons of candy yesterday and packed it up in a nice's all ready for Easter! Make sure you don't get collywobbles* from eating too much candy. Be good and be safe! Gotta run for now!

*Collywobbles means: bellyache.


This is a little pond we pass by. That looks to be a bird house attached to the bottom of the tree.

One of the many long and lonesome trails.

This is the obviously named "Pine Alley".

These are the only leaves left on the trees and when the wind blows through them they hit one another and make a clacking, rustling sound.

We had stopped here because of the pond above, but behind us there was this rushing noise and turning around we saw these things spouting water from it.

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