Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Go To Hell

If any of you are thinking about going to see "Hellboy", don't. We went to see it yesterday only because it had good reviews but, dear friends, do not step a foot into the door (don't waste yer moneh!). 2 Stars! (out of 4). It left some gaping holes in the plot, didn't focus enough on the dialogue, the sequencing felt wrong to me, tried to be sentimental but didn't "show" it, there was no connection with the characters at all, there was an array of silly characters that you think are invincible but are not, tried too hard to be funny and just all around weak. I was expecting a similarity to X-men but didn't even deliver on the powers category. ugh. Now that I reread what I wrote, 1 star!! Don't even see it when it's on t.v. for free. Do not see "Hellboy". Felt gypped*. It was hellebad. haha.

Okay gotta run. Have a good day y'all.

*Gypped means: cheated. Probably comes from the word "gypsy". (gyp can mean swindler, fraud...). Yes I know many of you know the meaning, it's just I've never seen it spelled out before. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.


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