Saturday, April 03, 2004

April Showers?

Hey don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight everyone.

Gosh we've been getting some very wet weather here. It rained for three days straight. I accidentally left Soot's old litter box outside when I went to clean it out and each day you could tell how much rain fell because it kept getting higher and higher. On the last day, though I shouldn't say last because it's grey and looking wet outside, it was at the brim and must have spilled over some. There are towns all around us with flooding problems. One town got as much as 9 inches of rain!! 9 inches! On the news they said that if it had been snow (1 inch of rain=10 inches of snow) some towns would have had snow as tall as Yao Ming out their front doors. Well instead of shoveling they're rowing. Some people had abandoned their cars in the middle of the street, some doors open, as a water covered their seats. Others thought that they could make it only to realize too late that the water was impassable, they sat inside and waited for fire rescue to come along with their inflatable raft. It was almost apocalyptic, streets desserted of life, the only movement was the surging water, flowing to find every spot it hadn't covered, cars left behind to be engulfed by the coming water, grey looming clouds unsatisfied with what it had just released, biding their time before the next downpour.

The grass seeds have been washed into the mulch, so that this spring...when we finally get to it, we will have grass covered mulch, just what we wanted. It was rather an inauspicious* time to throw down grass seeds. Oh well. On a cheerier note, I caught a few signs on green from my strawberry patch, the other day. Upon closer inspection I saw that they are coming out, little frilled leaves rising from the dead leaves and vines surrounding them. I'll be damned, they did make it through the winter. Hardy little buggers. Okay gotta run. Have a good, safe, flood free day everyone.

*Inauspicious means: Unfavorable.


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