Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I saw a few movies over the weekend, on dvd of course. The latest was "The Day After Tomorrow" which lost its appeal after I saw the animatronic, mutant wolves. I'm sure it was much more action intense in the surround-sound, big-screened, darkness of a movie theater but it wasn't fantastic or anything. A bit on the melodramatic side.

The next movie was "Saved!" which was funny. I have never been to an uber "Jesus saves" kinda school, and though I grew up going to Catholic schools they were just the better alternative to the urban public schools that made you walk through their doors only if you've had a scan with the metal detectors. I think "Saved!" though hilarious tried too hard to get a message across, made it too blatant. Of course you have to view it as a comedy and therefore the situation in which the main character finds herself would be seen in a more comedic light. But I compare it to a movie Rich and I saw called "Our Song" which is on my recommended list, heh... hmm... that's not a bad idea... anywho, going back, the girls both face the same "problem" but of course the approaches are dissimmilar. But then how can I even compare the two when they're two different genres? Watch "Saved!", it was funny.

Then the other day, was it yesterday? We saw "Chasing Amy". Anyone ever see it? I come to find out "Gigli" is not the first time Benaffleck finds himself crushing over a lesbian. But then I also come to find out that his masculinity is soo potent that these women who find other women so tempting and delightful can't seem to resist his manliness. Mind you, I don't think I'd fall for a Benaffleck if I were to be a lesbian, but that's just me. (His face is too long, and after that hair plugs scandal I can never look at his hair and not think it.) But getting back to the movie. At first I thought, "hey man this crap sucks a$$", it was melodramatic, overacting, just over the top in general. Rich says it was Kevin Smith's (the writer) (also known as "Silent Bob") way of trying to write a "deep" movie. But then I thought, "oh my god! this is not the real thing but an attempt at parody that's gone awry!" You see, I figured Kevin Smith wanted to mock soap operas and such and have it appear profound but really he wanted to make it funny, tongue-in-cheek type humor, however he went too far. People who watch it will think that the drama is exactly what he meant. He, in this case, pulled a "Jewel". Remember that? Jewel was like, oh in this video "Intuition" I'm really mocking the media and materialism but then the fans didn't understand that her new "sexy" look was a mockery of all the other pop stars out there. She went too far and became the source of her derision. haha How's that for profound? But of course I think she really "wanted" it deep down. But we don't have time for the "raping" of Jewel or other subjects. One last note on "Chasing Amy" if any of you ever watch it (which I don't think you're missing much) watch it with a grain of salt, or just think to yourselves, "this is a comedy and I will laugh at it or be damned!".

P.S. Men, don't go thinking that your sperm and testosterone will change a woman from a lesbian into a hetero. Only such movies can be written by a man. Hey I'm not man-bashing, although there's a certain man out there I'd like to hit-up once in a while. Ewwww. Hehehe. Haha.

Oh my cousins are coming on Friday!! Yay! I hope they can come to the house. Imma make 'em some delicious foods. heh.

Ew, it's cold a rainy out. But it's wonderfully warm inside my heart. I'm passing out some love to everyone! Thanks for the "congrats" from Julie and George. I can always count on you guys to leave me a comment. heh. Have a wonderful day everyone!!



Anonymous said...

I said it was him trying to write a "hip" movie. The type of movie where the actors say "wow this is amazing dialogue, the writer is a genius, it is great working with such masterful prose, and he must crap out solid gold." The type of movie where you say "wow man, that was so cool, its like how me and my friends talk. It's so true to life." He even wrote a part for himself where he "gets deep" and sage-like. Kevin Smith is the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons. His movies are fine and watchable but they are not as "cool" as he thinks they are.

Anonymous said...

Rub a dub dub,
Three men in a tub,
And who do you think they be?
The butcher,
The baker,
The candlestick maker,
Turn them out, knaves all three!

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