Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Are You Yankeen' Me?

I have to write this post or else the Yankees wont win. Yes this is about the only sports I watch and I don't even watch it! I sneak into the kitchen and flip the station to see what the score is. I try to act nonchalant about it in front of Rich, "oh god no! I don't watch that stuff!" meanwhile I tell him "oh i gotta get some water" and go rushing off to the kitchen, believe me I gotta get up like five times a night to take a pee. I cannot f-ing believe they're tied! I read a post of mine from last year and saw that I was on my last drop of hope because it came down to the very last game. Oh man do we need a curse just about now. It's funny that I write "we" when I only tune in for the ACLS, other than that... well I can't go writing that now can I? Red Sux!! I figure they do this all for show. I know the legalities and illegalities of it but they knew that the monetary gain would be huge. They don't tell them which team to win, they just want them to tie it up. It's up to who's the better team and who's got the better curse and anti-curse. Just like on Survivor where they say "portions of this show was taped at a different time. This did not affect the outcome". Stupid Sox knew that it would come down to a tie and couldn't even make a show of it. Yankees were like "listen you're still our bitches and don't get too big in the head, just because we have to let you win the next three" then spanked them soundly with a nice 19 to 8, setting an f-ing record! Oh god, inside I feel like a chimp jumpin' around hooting and hollering. But we've got the better team. Sox had to hope they get a chance to go against the Yankees So don't worry folks Yankees will win... right?

It's too dark to see what kind of day we're having.

P.S. I said to Linda, (Rich's mom) "who's your daddy?" and Rich almost blew water out of his nose. hahaha


Anonymous said...

Blew water out of his nose?? I would doubt that "Rich" even knew what the reference meant and was more like "WTF". Especially considering his contempt for commercialized athletics and contempt for those that participate: doers and watchers. Anyone that participates in a monkey-event such as commercialized athletics goes down sharply in my book. I don't appreciate people that try to be "part of the group" when the group they want to be part of is full of fat stupid-ass drunken bastards yelling their heads off over meaningless nonsense. You like sports so much? Then GO PLAY THEM YOURSELF!

Anonymous said...

^ that's the guy you're gonna marry?

Michelle said...

yeah, aint i lucky?

Anonymous said...

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