Thursday, September 30, 2004

Other Things...

I finally got my Book of Mormon! I've been waiting for this thing for a long time! Heh, okay not so long. I saw their commercial and wanted to see what their videos were like but then when I signed up on their website I decided to get their bible instead. I have not started reading it yet.

Also we saw the movie "Envy" with Jack Black and Ben Stiller... we're Jables fans. Is it "Jables" or J.Bls. heh. We both agreed it was better than Spiderman 2. Oh by the way, the special features were crap. heh. CRAP! We also saw Super Size Me... if that doesn't make you quit eating junk food then you're hopeless. heh. It was good. I suggest you all watch it. It's funny and informative. But I think that's the point of many documentaries (some are not funny but all should be informative) heh. Okay I gotta go.
