Friday, September 03, 2004


Hey all, I realized I'm not writing for me anymore but for an audience. I dunno if I like it or hate it. Can't write everything I want to and yet it makes me stop and think of what I'm going to say, make it funny or melodramatic... catering. Well I have a real journal for the other thoughts, but don't worry, they're not deep or anything, same ditzy me writing them. Heh. Probably same things I write in here. Looking through it I realized it's just for to-do lists. Oh wait, that's my to-do journal. heh. Got one for every need.

So what's the sense of my heading if I don't write anything to do with it? Okay, here goes. I'm hateful towards all the local movie theaters for not showing "Hero" with Jet Li. I wanted to see it for a long time only to see they don't have it and I can't get it on ebay. Rich and I are planning a strike from the one we go to all the time. But what's the point? We don't even buy anything when we're in there. It's not like we're major dealers in their inside economy. Like I told him the other day they cater to children and will show kids movies because moms and kids the biggest spenders on their popcorn and stuff.

Oh but I'm so happy to receive a whopping 6 page letter from Julie! heh. I got it yesterday after several failed trips to find parking at the post office. The p.o. got me p.o.'d. Heh. haha. But when I went inside I found it there waiting for me and as my hand reached into the little cubicle and took hold of it I saw that it was nice and fat! Haha. I love it.

I hate the fact that the summer's over but I love the fact that my birthday's around the corner. Isn't it strange? I'm really someone born in the summer? Fall doesn't begin til September 23, give or take a day. And fall is one of the best seasons too! But what's good is everyone associates my birthday with fall. One of Rich's gifts came for me yesterday. heh. Yay! He's gonna wrap it. I hope... haha. That's a hint!

Oh I had this dream that I was at our christmas party? or some kinda big gathering, not in a house and I'm at this table with people I don't know when in walks Lovely. No, that's her nickname. She was dressed in a white pantsuit and she walks over to my table and starts chatting with me! I barely know her. heh. But she leans in and I realize she has freckles all over her face and she's jabbering on. That's all I remember. I can't believe I had a dream with her in it. I hope she doesn't die. She was all glow-y in her white suit. Kind of an aura around her.

I hate to think that Soot still has fleas. She was itching herself this morning and I will have to give her brushings.

I love the fact that Rich is almost done with her cat carrier! I will take pics of it and post it. He should be done today! Yay. Haha. We had planned that we would have it done by the beginning of summer but look! He started a few days ago and is almost done with it. Look at all the procrastination! And we had all the lumber for it at the beginning of the summer. I must say it looks fabulous. Rich as a carpenter? Building stuff is such a turn on. heh. Oh if you're all can't wait for a picture check this website, we modeled it after this.

hahaha. Just kidding.

Okay I'll leave it there! It's late. Have a grrreaat!! day. Don't let a hurrican hit you.



Anonymous said...

Speaking of an audience, you have a couple wrong-word errors in your first paragraph.

Nice Cat Carrier picture.

Michelle said...
