Friday, September 10, 2004

Cut and Style

I keep forgetting to mention that about a week ago I got my hair chopped off. It's now just above my shoulders. I think it looks nice, there's no style to it. Sometimes when I take a shower too early in the morning and I'm not fully awake I'll forget that it's no longer long and will fill my hand up with shampoo only to realize that it's too much for the short quantity of hair I now own. (Like this morning)... Yeah it's nice, but mom thinks I cut it too short. heh. Funny enough she used to advocate cutting my hair and complained that it was too long.

In a week I will be 24?? Ahh It's so funny and scary because next year at this time I will embark upon my mid-20's!!! and I don't feel a day over 21. hehe. Can you imagine that I met Rich when he was 21 and now he's almost 29? Oh gosh! Everyone just gets older and older! I love my birthday though. I want great presents from everyone!! heh. Just kidding. Just good presents. haha. Have a great day everyone!!
