Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Sootie finally got the fleas. It was a case of the inevitable. Like having a house full of children and one getting the chicken pox. It was only a matter of time before the rest of them got it no matter how hard you try to keep them apart. I was very mad. We had seen her scratching at herself and we flea combed her but nothing appeared, but the next morning as I was cleaning out her flea comb I noticed some black flecks in it and then upon closer examination I saw three fleas. I think two of them jumped right on me, the other one I placed into a ziplock container to show Rich. His mom finally bought some Advantage flea medication and so we had to administer a dosage on the scruff of her neck, into the skin. Let me tell you! She sure didn't like that! Rich ended up getting a gash on his wrist, making him look like a model for a failed suicide attempt. (It was from her back claws as she tried to scramble outta our reach).

One other thing. Finally saw Passion of the Christ this evening. hmm I'm still shaken from the violence. Other than that, I don't think I would see it again. I don't know what else to say. I still have to digest it all. Perhaps someone else will post their input.

Have a good night all.



Anonymous said...

Mel Gibson's The Passion -
Dwarfs??? There was a child that turned into an adult dwarf. As well as a female satan carrying around an adult dwarf as if it were a baby. Also, they colorized the eyes of the actor to a strange and distracting yellow/brown through out the entire movie. Why not just use contact lenses? And why change his eye color to yellow anyway??? And why have a movie based solely on whippings. I don't think 5 minutes goes by without a whipping. And for that matter why not focus a little on the word of Christ instead of his whippings. I would not recommend this movie and almost turned it off when I saw the dwarf scene (nothing against dwarfs, but come on!!). Read the bible for 2 hours instead of seeing this movie. You will be treated to the word of Christ instead of Mel Gibson's interpretation of the bible -- whippings.

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »