Saturday, September 25, 2004

Blogs and Other Important Issues of the Day!

Heh, what a great title if I do say so myself! haha Okay, so I have about 8 blogs that I usually check on to see if everyone is doing alright or just to know what the tsismis is. heh. And in those eight there is one recent addition.

This little subsection I'd like to label: "Like Mother Like Daughter". Most of you "faithful readers" consist of friends and family and so we all know about a certain little incident about a certain "aunt" who... hmm. I'll have to make up a scenario. We had an aunt who was obsessed with cleaning her nose with tissue- gosh darn it! The real story is better! But what if? Alright just tell it! (Sorry, fighting with myself). Our "aunt" is obsessed with cleaning the orifices on her face, no matter where she is. So this little incident happened to occur in the work place, during the "graveyard shift". She took out a few ear swabs and proceeded to clean them (her ears, that is), but accidentally went too deep into one and in one fell swoop managed to puncture her eardrum and lose her equilibrium and... fell in one swoop. heh. I wasn't laughing at the incident, but at my use of word-age. Well come to find out, I read her daughter's blog and she does the same thing! It's survival of the fittest playing out right in front of us!

Then there's two blogs I call "Ew and ewwer". It's funny because I really have no reason to read their blogs, they're almost like a friend of a friend, or more like an ex and his new girl... too much of a hint for ya? Why "ew"? and why do I continue to read it? Well okay, her blog isn't terribly "ewwy" but when I think of her and him together... well that's the result. I find it mildly gross that they are so into material goods and who gave what to whom and how much she loves him because of the new... earrings he bought her. In this case you can "buy me love". Why don't I just stop reading? I'm interested in seeing the progression of a new relationship, and I already know a few things about one of them and I've read it for so long now that I feel as if I'm invested in something. What that "something" is, I really cannot say. I read it and say, hmm... did Rich and I go through all that the first year of our relationship? Obviously not, but they keep hanging on. They've got the money for it, I guess.

Then there's Leen's blog, which I find a source of constant amusement... sorry Arlyne. I know how much you go through emotionally. I would sit you down and tell you but it probably would only become a negative in your eyes and you'd write something like, "I don't care that the world is against us! I'm gonna still keep on loving you! I miss you so much! etc. etc." Besides, I figured you're old enough to see yourself through... hmm. I wonder at what age you would be for me to stop seeing you as a 12 year old? P.S. can anyone give me Arlyne's new blog address? haha. Ya know I love ya kid. Besides... laughter is the best medicine! heh. Joking! You're life is no joke!

Few random thoughts before I go... I gotta go scoop Soot's litter. heh. hmm. Is that a showing of humble-ance? HUMILITY! that's the word. I like "humblance" better anyway. Figure it out yourselves. Are the Brits familiar with the Statue of Liberty? Hmm, not as well as we Americans are. Oh and for all those die hard Bush supporters... you folks better take a good look at what God is doing to Florida!! And He's gonna keep it up until the day of the election! One more mistake like that...! Those Floridians don't have a chance. This was brought to you by God, He told me to pass it on. heh. I love you! Peace! (That's from God too).


P.S. Alright alright! You people who can't hold with surprises! Geez, stop hounding me. I'm gonna put up a new layout! OK?? Damn n!99a! haha. Oh and g-damn my stupidity in html. But thank Him for knowledgable boyfriends who can help me with it. I'm gonna start referring to him as "the one". eh. maybe not. He'll just be Rich.

me again.