Thursday, September 09, 2004

Castle Island and Bruce Lee

This was taken at Castle Island, in South Boston. I took it about two or three weeks ago but I just forgot to upload it and post it here. Isn't it neat? It's just graffiti on the fort's side. We decided to go to Castle Island because someone told me about it and then coincidentally I saw a report on the news that they have the best hot dogs in Boston (or was it one of the top 3?). So we went, Rich with his usual apprehensions and me dreaming of great hot dogs. We get there and it was lovely. We walked around, no castles but a fort surrounded on one side by ocean. Across the way was Logan airport and as we walked around and around we constantly had to raise our voices as the jets flew overhead, but other than that we had a good time. By the way, tried their hot dogs and fries and found that it didn't compare to our favored boar's head brand. To each his own. It was a great time had by all, just a tad busy for our taste, but then it would be scary if it wasn't busy. heh. Yeah it was great. Have a wonderful, not too muggy night!


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