Thursday, September 30, 2004

Pouring, the Day After and Doodads

Hey all! Well there goes Jeanne! Yesterday morning as I drove down the street the road was strewn with the little branches and leaves of the trees that lined the road and my window was assaulted with fat, insistent drops. Thank God the sun came out in the afternoon, I was getting a little depressed with the weather and the cold. Then this morning I woke up to the sun in my eyes. Even as I type this I have sun in my eyes, making me swerve over to the right to miss my left eye. It's a brisk 50 degrees outside but I'm snug and warm in soft flannel. Comfort is always the main issue.

Okay, I keep forgetting to tell you all about this. There's this software you can download called "skype" which allows you to call other computers with this software, for free, no matter where in the world they are! The quality is even better than cordless phones and cellphones. That means my mom (if she only knew how to use the internet, let alone a computer) could call her sister in the Philippines (if my aunt had a computer at her house, with internet) and it would be absolutely free, and they would sound better than they do calling through the regular phone. We've have it for a month now and it's cool. All you need is a mic for your computer, and some of you have it already built in! You can even "conference call" which means having three or more people on the line, all at once... that's free too! Rich's mom told her brother and daughter down in Florida about it and now they talk to one another for however long they want without worrying about the price of long distance bills. And it's so clear that I can hear him in the kitchen and it seems he's in the room. You can read about and download skype here and here .

Have some telephony fun! And have a wonderful day!
