Saturday, February 28, 2004

Word of the Day

The word of the day is expectorating.

Is there any sense in saying "later I'm going to post the music I'm currently listening to" or should things of that nature never be alluded to and just added on without any preamble? I'm writing this query because I want to know if it's even worth while posting something you're going to do or is it just a waste of time when it'll be done later. I dunno. I might as well tell you all that I'm going to post the music I'm currently listening to later. It's similar to the books thing where I just show you the cover of the cds, although I could give you a sample of the real thing embedded in my blog, but that's too much work for busy ole me. hehe. Okay I'm gonna get to it now.

Expectorating comes from the word expectorate, which means: to discharge matter from the throat or lungs by coughing or hawking and spitting. example sentence: I'm pretty damn good at expectorating at the people sitting below. It works better to bring their attention up to you before you expectorate in their face.

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