Saturday, February 07, 2004

Anyway, so yesterday it snowed most of the morning and now today it rained and all the snow is wet and slushy. When I got out of my car I stepped into a deep puddle of slush. ew. Who knows what's in that...gross. So then my pant leg was wet and would occasionally hit the side of my leg, cold and disgusting. But now I'm warm and cozy. Rich and I made our Valentine's cards for eachother today. I didn't catch a glimpse of what I was getting, but I think he saw what I made...hmph! I think Soot's been sleeping on the bed the entire day. She jumped off when I got on to type, musta been too much movement.

You know how people have the tendency to pick partners who look a certain way...and then when it doesn't work out or they cheat or something then they find another person that looks similar to the person with whom they were with before. do you know what I'm talking about? Well here's an's this guy, we'll call him...Chris, who is married to this woman and he goes and cheats on her and finally they get a divorce and he comes around with the "new" woman who he was cheating with and she looks exactly like the woman he was married to. Strange huh? Mom always told us about how my grandfather had cheated on my grandma and when they saw the woman he was cheating with, she looked like a "younger version" of my grandmother. I wonder if Rich were to find someone else would she be a big-cheeked bastard like me, brown and cute? If I were to find another guy, would he look anything like Rich? Haha, or maybe Brad Pitt. hehe. Just kidding sweets. Think about it...


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