Friday, February 13, 2004

Tony's Pizzeria

Yah, so here's Tony's and this was right up the hill from us, but man what a long march it was! It was worth it though for that kinda pizza. This picture was taken about 2 or 3 years ago, when I was taking a photography class. This shot, along with the 233rd shot was taken from the elevated subway station, where, when you looked up from the bottom of the hill, was a billboard for the Marlboro Man or Joe Camel. They eventually took those down because they banned advertisements for ciggies. But so this is on White Plains Road, and next to Tony's is a bodega (where you could buy bus tickets to A.C.) and right upstairs of it is a psychic/tarot card reader. I went there once when I was a junior in h.s. and I was scared to death! I was no longer living at 233rd but my h.s. wasn't so far from there. The lady had me sit down on the floor next to her table, and her black cat came and tried to sit on my lap, then I asked her if my "true love" was coming my way soon, she said that the guy I was "with" was not the one but someone was coming along...then I met Rich... haha well that's how my confused, teenage mind remembers it, and ya know how much I like to exaggerate...well happy valentines! How did you stumble upon your true love?

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