Tuesday, January 27, 2004

So what's up with the democratic primary race? Actually I look favorably on Howard Dean though a close second would be "Mama"Moseley Braun because there's something scary about her. She makes me feel as if I should be at my best or her ever-present smile may turn into something worse. Yeah if there was a chance for a woman for president I'd pick her. It's terrible that this is still a racist, sexist country. She never had a chance. Too bad we can't vote the "good" way, which is to tally up our votes by top three. Giving the most points to who we want to win and so forth. Kerry? come on. Wake up everyone! He hasn't done anything good in his time as Senator of Massachusetts. As a country that goes by looks, don't you guys see him and go "ughh" with a shudder? Why do you think J.F.K. (oops, Kerry's initials are J.F.K. as well) (Kennedy) won over Nixon? Because he was better looking. If we're gonna go by that, then vote for the good ole southern boy, John Edwards. Well I really can't bitch because I'm not a registered voter. Whoops. Signing off, it's
Helle good

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