Saturday, February 12, 2005

I'm A Little Jealous Of My Brother

Why in the heck does my mother call him but not me? Hel-lo!! You have two children! Remember? God, her memory lapses have just gotten worse and worse! Ugh! She deserves to be punished! I'm not calling her!

Wait, that seems to be a reward for her! I am calling her!
Gah, I don't care that she saw Josh Groban in concert but I don't mind her telling me. That's it!
"Ooh Ma-mike, I have exciting news to tell you, ooh". Haha.

Bah! Just because I'm getting married doesn't mean that I'm leaving the family circle forever. Although she did imply that she was not happy with me anymore since I was moving to Florida. How to get into her good graces...? Well what always worked was to tell her a secret about Mike... Although in the past few years that only endeared him to her. (Please see the s bomb blog). Ugh, what to do! Must sabotage their mother and son love.
What is love?
Does not compute.
Overloading of systems, meltdown achieved in 10 seconds.

I love ya mom.
Me (your only daughter, Michelle!!!) You had me in your womb for nine months! 'Tis I, the smart one? heh. Love ya too Mike.


Anonymous said...

Well it is appropriate that you move away from your family. Your mom did it and now you... not the sentimental types. I think if you had something going on and got out a bit more you'd never care if you were near them or not... just like your mom did. a call here and there and you'd be fine. She even has plans to move away from you if you don't do it first!!

Anonymous said...

Bloggerific! Ha ha. Anyhow, liked this post and thought a stranger could say hi here. Found u and ur site when searching for hoodoo love spells fyi. Cool stuff here, thanx Blogger.

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle - was looking for reviews on love spells for marriage but found your site by accident. Don't know why you come up looking for love spells for marriage but whatever. I read a few of your posts and thought they were cool, so I just wanted to say thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hola Michelle!! I was just reading your posts and wanted to comment. I stumbled upon your Blog when I was looking for break up love spells but who knew I'd find such cool reads. I liked the this post post, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Michelle - Not exactly what I was looking for, was looking for love spells to return a lover. But good reads here. Will stop back to check in and see what's new.

Anonymous said...

Michelle - Not exactly what I was looking for, was looking for santeria love spells. But good reads here. Will stop back to check in and see what's new.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Michelle", just found your site on a search for love spells. Read a few posts, so thought I'd say hi and thanks! :)

Me. -- "I tried these candle love spells and got my boyfriend back!"

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work