Saturday, February 19, 2005

14 Neat-o's In A Row

Okay I've just been reviewing what's needed to be done for a marriage license in the state of New York. And came upon this little tidbit from this spot: Every person has the right to adopt any name by which he or she wishes to be known simply by using that name consistently and without intent to defraud.

Rich will be known as Mr. Helle-Good, and I will be known as Michelle Helle-Good. Neat-o number one.

Well I heard y'all are going down to Atlantic City in a limo. To see her. Neat-o numero dos. Have fun and be good. Not too much bubbly in the limo please.

I have dedicated a folder on my desktop entitled 'Neat-o' and within in? Here's one. Pretty fugging neat-o huh? Neat-o number 3

And numero catorce, (thank you Bono) on my neat-o list: squash. No not the stuff you eat, though I think it's pretty neat. I had to look it up since I'm not involved and since Ryan mentions it left and right I figured it might be a fun sport. Umm, I don't know about that. I have a bad time at things flying at me. See frisbee post... hmm, I guess I was too embarrassed by what happened that I didn't post anything. Or maybe I was in too much pain and unconscious to write anything!!! Geez.

Okay, there's your fourteen. Man that was hard. See if you can find 14 neat things to post about. heh.


P.S. Rich Helle-Good, we need to bring our badminton rackets because I challenged Ryan to a game and told him we'd kick his bum. heh.


Anonymous said...

badminton raquets are packed away.

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